COVID-19 and Restart BC – We’re here for you!
Thank you for watching. We are working hard to ensure that the WWBA remains a valuable resource despite our pause on our normal networking and public events. Please contact us at admin@wwba.ca. We want to hear your story and ensure you get the support to keep our business community vibrant!
On-going work by WWBA:
- Advocating for businesses who are unable to qualify and/or cannot reopen
- Investigating provincial support opportunities
- Highlighting businesses who are going the extra mile in our Walnut Grove and Willoughby Communities
- Establishing new digital benefits for our members to help reconnect with customers
Helpful resources during this time:
BC Restart Plan –This is the defacto location for getting all the major updates on the BC Restart Plan including projected phase timelines. If you are aiming to reopen during Phase II, we highly recommend you look into this guide on what you are expected to do to protect staff and customers.
BC COVID-19 Supports for Businesses – There are several programs available listed by the BC Government. Keep differences from federal news would be BC Province Taxes and relief’s provided by BC Crown Corporations. For Farmer’s markets, there are some programs available as well.
BC Chamber of Commerce – COVID-19 Support and Resources – A general resource that has been provided by the BC Chamber. They have aggregated programs, web resources and contact information for your use in finding funds to get your business going again
Federal – Canada Economic Relief Plan – List and information on federally provided relief programs including application pathways
Federal – Canada Business App – Go Digital! This business app provides easy accessibility to the federal programs and applications through your mobile deivce.
Futurpreneur – Resources for New, Growing and Small Businesses – New businesses can struggle to make it through this time without an eligible track record. Futurpreneur has their standard and COVID-19 programs to give you the guidance, finances and support to keep your dream alive.
COVID-19 – BC Centre for Disease Control – For the latest on BC’s medical perspective, review the BC Centre for Disease Control
Quick Access: Federal Sources of Funding:
CEBA – Canadian Emergency Business Account ($40000)
CEWS – Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (75%)
Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy
CECRA – Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (75% Rent Reduction)
Student Work Placements (Wage Subsidies)
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8840 210th St #505
V1M 2Y2
WWBA Head Office
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Email: contact@wwba.ca
Phone: 604.619.0267
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